Tax Office Good to know The nearest tax offices are located in Rauma, address Valtakatu 6A Turku, address Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18(Data-City).
K-Supermarket Itäpoiju Boutiques - Shopping Open Mon-Sat 5.30 am - 12 pm, Sun 9 am - 12 pm. Online store open 24/7.
Finn Beam Building Oy Good to know Residential buildings, holiday homes, foundation work, masonry and tiling work, renovation. We also build in the archipelago.
Canoe trips and water sport equipment rental Sports and hobbies Pyhämaa Tourism Association Pyhämaa Visitors’ berth, Pyhämaanranta 37. Eight different types of kayaks.
Tuulenhauki Sea and Nature 2 pc Suomi 475Cat boats with 15 hp Suzuki outboard motor, GPS/sonar, racks for fishing rods, 5 people/boat. Additionally, a rowboat with Suomi 520 outboard motor. Enquiries:
Alko Boutiques - Shopping Liquor store. Located in the same building as K-Supermarket Itäpoiju. Open: Mon - Thu 9am - 6pm, Fri 9am - 21pm and Sat 9am - 6pm
Haidus island Sea and Nature There is an old fisherman’s lodge on the island. Sauna, programme service. For groups by order. Transportation, information and bookings Janne Laitinen,
Majoitus Oy Accommodation Furnished housing in row houses by agreement in the Uusikaupunki city centre. Enquiries and information:
Katanpää Fort, Kustavi Accommodation Accommodation in two apartments in the historic officer's house for small or larger groups.
FrisbeeGolfPark Sports and hobbies Outdoor course behind the public swimming pool. Koulupolku 5. Information: public swimming pool tel. +358 50 420 5203 (closed Ju19-Aug 1), the Youth and Sports Office at Koulupolku 5, tel.