Street Fishing contest July 26, 2023
Street Fishing contest July 26, 2023
The national fishing contest Street Fishing is held at the Kaupunginlahti bayside on Wed, July 26 from 5 pm to 8 pm. In the contest, two-person teams fish from the bay shore. The best three teams will receive a prize.
The winners will also receive the title of Katukalastaja 2023 (street fisher), and the best scorers of each category will receive the title of Street Fisher of the Year 2023.
The contest is organised by The Finnish Federation for Recreational Fishing.
Rules, areas, and instructions for enrolment:
www.fisuun.fi/tapahtuma/street-fishing-uusikaupunki-26-07-2023 (in finnish)
or Janne Antila tel. +358 45 630 4280
janne.antila [at] vapaa-ajankalastaja.fi
facebook twitterbirdKaupunginlahti (Town Bay), Uusikaupunki