Pamprinniemen näkymä

Pamprinniemi trail in Pyhämaa

Hauintie 259, Pyhämaa. The Pamprinniemi nature trail is located in Ketteli in Pyhämaa on church-owned land. The trail is about 4 kilometres long. The area is a significant nature and bird conservation area, as it has been maintained in its natural state. It is part of the European Natura 2000 network. Along the trail, you can experience many kinds of natural surroundings from the seaside to old spruce forests and patches of fern. You can also spot some very big and old pine trees in the area. Along the trail, you and find a wide range of different bird species. The church has also erected some Bible-themed story boards around the trail. There is a large wooden cross at the tip of the peninsula where the church usually holds an opening ceremony for the trail in early June. The road leading to the trail, Hauintie, is a private road. The trail is open year-round, weather conditions permitting.
 Map of the trail


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Hauintie 259, Pyhämaa.