Vakka-Suomen musiikkiopisto (music school)
Musical experiences throughout the year
Vakka-Suomen musiikkiopisto is a school that provides education in music corresponding to the advanced syllabus of the Basic Education in the Arts.
The music school’s area of operations covers Kustavi, Laitila, Pyhäranta, Taivassalo, Uusikaupunki, and Vehmaa. Teaching is provided in string and wind instruments, electric instruments, percussion instruments, piano and accordion, free accompaniment, and singing. VSMO also organises musical play school activities for children under school age. New participants are continually accepted to choir and orchestra groups. Application period for the Basic Education in the Arts syllabus is in the beginning of May, and open courses accept applications at all times.
Vakka-Suomen musiikkiopisto organises concerts in the area throughout the year and can also organise concerts for the needs of commpanies and associations.
facebook twitterbirdKeskuskatu 8 A, Laitila
Vakka-Suomen musiikkiopisto (music school)
Keskuskatu 8 A, Laitila.
Tel. +358 44 5256580 /+358 50 310 2998
VSMO is in Facebook!